Rainbow Six Siege New Operators!

Rainbow Six Siege has announced new operators in it’s Season Pass!  The first operator is a Canadian attacker named Buck that has one heck of a gadget. He has the new Shotgun-Rifle combo! This disallows you to put on any under barrel attachments, but he can switch between them on the fly. The second operator is another Canadian named Frost. She is the first female defender that has one of the most useful gadgets. A leg trap named the “Welcome Mat” can instantly down any attacker that steps on it. It only has a one-time use, but notifies the player with a bonus. And, one map. A Canadian cruise ship named “Yacht”. Yacht is a luxury cruis ship that crashed into an iceberg that destroyed the hull. These operators are sent down because there is an unknown submarine docked right next to it.

DLC 2: Dust Line- A new set of awesomeness has arrived! Again, 2 new operators and one new map. The first operator is an attacking Navy Seal named Blackbeard. Blackbeard’s special ability is something else. He can attach a riot shield to his weapon that protects his head and shoulders! The second operator is a defender named Valkyrie. She can put up cameras that work better in the dark. The name is “Black Eye”. They have higher quality than pre-loaded cameras and can be placed where attackers would never guess. This also prevents all cameras from being destroyed by people who know the map. And, of course one new map, “Border”. Border is the most open and destructible map so far.

DLC 3: Skull Rain- Yet another new pair of operators have arrived. From flaming arrows to interrogation, lets go over the new ops. The first is a BOPE attacking operator from Brazil. Capitao, which translates to Captain, has a tactical crossbow that can shoot oxygen burning bolts or micro blue smoke arrows. He can have a Assault Rifle or an iconic LMG. The defending operator is Caveira, which translates to Skull, can use downed people to gather all opposing positions and operator. Her pistol doesn’t kill someone with a headshot, but still downs them immediately. She has the choice between a funky but good SMG or the Spas-15. And the new map, favelas, beats border in destructibility by almost 3 times. The outer shell can be destroyed and almost any wall or floor you may come across. The tight hallways and small rooms strongly favor close quarters combat.

Stay tuned on this post to find out about the new things coming up!







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