Minecraft’s playable area is 32 million blocks away from the world center. (4,096,,000,000 km2 = 1.5 billion miles) people say that with “creative” mode on, Minecraft’s maximum playable area is 4,722,366,482,869,645 km2 or 9 million earths.
Did You Know That?
9 responses to “Did You Know That?”
Good luck with the new site, Nino! It looks awesome! I’m sure you will generate a ton of hits – who doesn’t like video games and wolves?! I know I do. 🙂
Thanks Irene, we already have 132 from the US, 9 from Peru, and 1 from Germany. Totaling at 123 views!
That’s great!! Btw, I am sorry but I just realized I mistakenly forgot to include RJ in my comment before. Good luck to you BOTH! I’ll be sure to share the site!
Awesome! Great job boyz!
Thank You Danny!
ha ha i love this website. im happy that i found this
Thanks Keith, I hope you enjoy this wonderful gaming site!
I will. I will try to go on this every chance I get
I love your website so much!!!!!!!
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