Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
New Posts on Weekends!
Starting this week, we will be posting on weekends along with weekdays, so you get the information you want, everyday of the week!
Gears of War: Judgment
“OverRun” is a new class-based multiplayer game mode on Gears of War: Judgment. Make sure that your team is a balanced squad with all the playable classes so you wont miss out on any key skills.
Highest Score on Pac-Man for IOS!
App center user “[N.S.F.]Lynx [BH]” holds the record with 3,361,200 points on Pac-Man.
Most Destructible Environments In Military FPS!
Battle Field 4 holds one of these many titles as around 90% of its landscape is destructible! Even the ground can be deformed! Be sure to try out all the way you can dominate your opponents with falling objects
Largest Skylander!
As of August 2013, the largest Skylander known was a gigantic “Tree Rex” as it stood a whopping 315 cm (10 ft 4 in)! This giant was carved from polystyrene by UK sculpture studios. This statue really brings on the meaning of Skylander “Giants”.
Most Chosen Hero in DotA!
With 1,665 appearances, Shadow Demon is the most chosen hero in DotA. With Dark Seer not too far behind with 1,537 appearances.
Science Can Be Fun!
I just found this video on science that i found really cool! It just goes to show how cool science can be. Just watch and learn with the exciting Jimmy Fallon!
Fastest-Selling App Strategy Game!
Plants vs. Zombies to reach 300,000 downloads following its launch in February.
Most Critically Acclaimed IOS Game!
As of June 21, 2013, with a ranking of 93% Jetpack Joyride was rated the best IOS game of all time.
Most Reviewed Word Game!
Words with friends was reviewed 1.438,229 times since its release on iTunes and Google Play as of 22 July 2013. It has also accomplished some other goals such as, most popular word puzzle mobile, and most downloaded free iPhone game.
Got any book recommendations?